Unique SSV Tangential

The Alfa Laval Unique SSV Tangential is a versatile, reliable pneumatic single seat valve with a single contact surface between the plug and the seat to minimize the risk of contamination. Its compact, modular and hygienic design meets the highest process demands in terms of hygiene and safety.

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Designed for use in tank openings, horizontally mounted drains and where space is limited

  • Exceptional valve hygiene and durability
  • Superior cleanability – smooth inner valve body without crevices
  • Extended seal life due to the defined seal compression
  • Enhanced product safety thanks to the static seal leak detection
  • Protection against full vacuum due to the double lip seal

Built on the well-proven Unique SSV platform, it provides complete drainability of the valve body near tank openings, on horizontally mounted ports, or wherever space restrictions make it difficult to install valves at other angles. Few moving parts ensure easy maintenance, high reliability and low total cost of ownership. A wide range of optional features enables customization to specific process requirements. This Unique SSV Tangential is designed to provide complete drainability of the valve body when space is limited in hygienic applications across the dairy, food, beverage, brewery and many other industries.

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Portal CAD podjetja Alfa Laval je osnovna platforma za prenos podrobnih informacij o izdelkih, 2D-risb in 3D-modelov izdelkov.

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Versatile and reliable single seat valve

Alfa Laval Unique single seat valves (SSVs) are robust and reliable pneumatic seat valves that are supremely reliable and versatile.

Modularity provides cost-effective and nearly endless possibilities for purpose-built seat valves that meet high standards of hygiene and aseptic compatibility. Configure the Unique SSV valve bodies, plugs and actuators to meet virtually any requirement. 

Our Selection Guide illustrates the many combinations of features and types available with the Unique SSV valve range.  

Superior valve process safety

The Unique SSV range is built on a proven modular platform used on more than a million valves in service worldwide. Pressed from a single stainless steel disc, the valve body is extremely strong and durable, thus ensuring production safety. The enhanced performance of the actuator makes operation safer and more efficient.

Exceptional valve hygiene

The Unique SSV range is engineered to provide excellent hygiene and cleanability. With a surface finish of Ra ≤ 0.8μm, the smooth, weld-free valve body eliminates crevices that can trap bacteria. The design of the plug supports enhanced cleaning-in-place capabilities, and a double-acting lip seal that minimizes any risk of cross-contamination.

Alfa Laval Unique SSV valves meet most hygienic standards requested in the dairy, food and beverage, and personal care industries. The Unique SSV range is EHEDG-certified and authorized to carry the 3-A symbol. The range also provides full traceability in compliance with the EU Food Regulation 1935/2004.

Please refer to Documentation for more information.

Greater valve durability

To ensure high sealing quality, the Unique SSV range features defined compression of the O-rings with metal-to-metal contact between plug and seat. This significantly reduces wear and extends valve service life. The standard Unique SSV is supplied with a semi-maintainable actuator that has a five-year warranty.

Low total cost of ownership

Thanks to its straightforward, reliable design, the Unique SSV range provides long service life, reduced product loss, greater product safety and more processing uptime. Few moving parts reduce service requirements and inventory costs. More effective CIP procedures with reduced cleaning cycles and, subsequently, the reduced use of cleaning fluids, water and utilities also contribute to the Unique SSV’s low total cost of ownership.


The Alfa Laval Unique SSV range consists of one, two or three valve bodies, plug, sealing, actuator and clamp ring. 

Product Benefits

  • Robust and reliable pneumatic seat valves
  • Cost-effective
  • Extremely strong and durable


Naša posebna globalna servisna mreža vam nudi podporo z deli in strokovnim znanjem, kjer koli ste in kadar koli jo potrebujete. Z zagotavljanjem večjega časa delovanja, razpoložljivosti in optimizacije vam pomagamo zagotoviti miren spanec in povečati donosnost naložbe. Skupaj z vami lahko naše storitve vključimo v pogodbo o servisiranju Alfa Laval za predvidljivo in brezskrbno delovanje.

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Operating principle

The Alfa Laval Unique SSV is an air-operated seat valve that is remotely operated by means of compressed air. The valve generally has two working ports for air supply in and for process air supply; for changeover valves, a third port is required.

Unique valve body


  • Fully maintainable actuator
  • High-pressure actuator
  • Product wetted seals in HNBR or FPM 
  • TR2 plug seal in PTFE for special applications 
  • Valve sensing and control devices, incl. ThinkTop, ThinkTop Basic and IndiTop
  • Fittings in accordance with required standard
  • External surface finish 3-A bright  

Enosedežni ventili Alfa Laval Unique – aktuator z možnostjo vzdrževanja

Enosedežni ventili Alfa Laval Unique – zamenjava puše aktuatorja

Enosedežni ventili Alfa Laval Unique – tesnila, ki tesnijo s pomočjo produkta

Enosedežni ventili Alfa Laval Unique – zamenjava tesnil, ki tesnijo s pomočjo produkta

Varčujte z vodo s sistemom ThinkTop

Storite nekaj dobrega za okolje in pri čiščenju ventilov prihranite do 95 % tekočine CIP. Inovacije, kot so senzorske in krmilne enote ThinkTop, omogočajo učinkovitejšo uporabo virov in hkrati zagotavljajo higiensko neoporečne procese. Nadgradite svoje ventile s sistemom ThinkTop in optimizirajte svoje procese.

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Deset najboljših nasvetov – ventili

Tukaj lahko najdete nekaj nasvetov in servisnih posnetkov, ki vam prikazujejo, kako ohraniti vrhunsko kondicijo vaših higienskih ventilov


Logika za živila - Food logic

Higienska oprema Alfa Laval združuje visoko zmogljivost in nežno uporabo, da varuje občutljive sestavine. Sledi trendom živilske industrije in rešuje štiri ključne izzive: dobava živilskih izdelkov potrošnikom po konkurenčni ceni, doseganje kar najboljšega izkoristka surovin, zmanjšanje odpadkov in emisij ter dobava varnih in higienskih živilskih izdelkov.

food logic 640x360

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Razmišljanje o prihodnosti - tehnični članki in bele knjige o higienski opremi

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