Higienske cevi Tri-Clover ASME
This product range provides a wide range of tubes with internal surface finishes that have a roughness average (Ra) of < 0.8 - 1.6 μ. Tubes in the hygienic range comply with ASME dimension standards.
Easy to source, install and clean
To connect equipment and processes where clean conditions are essential, Alfa Laval supplies a comprehensive range of tubes, which provide maximum hygiene. All products meet key criteria for tight tolerances, a variety of finishes and uniform wall thicknesses. To provide customers with greater flexibility and fast, efficient delivery, Alfa Laval provides a tiered supply chain to ensure tubes meet customer demands for high quality at competitive prices.
Quality assurance
All Alfa Laval Hygienic Tubes undergo strict quality control procedures at every stage of manufacturing at Alfa Laval facilities. All products meet ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, which define the requirements for quality management systems and environmental management systems, respectively.
Throughout sourcing, manufacturing and distribution, Alfa Laval adheres to stringent quality-control procedures. Alfa Laval labels all product packaging with bar code, product information and manufacturing date. As a seal of quality, the Alfa Laval brand mark is permanently etched onto the external surface.
Comprehensive range
Alfa Laval offers a comprehensive range of hygienic tubes with smooth, crevice-free design, superior corrosion-resistance and secure, self-aligning joints to ensure trouble-free flow. This includes unions, clamp fittings, flanges, bends, tees, reducers and tubes.
To ensure that exactly the right match for the process, Alfa Laval offers a wide variety of high quality uniform weld end fittings for all tube combinations. To match tolerances, Alfa Laval provides exact angles and uniform tube, bend and tee connections.
Matte, raw, bright and polished internal surface finishes are available with roughness averages (Ra) ranging from <0.8–1.6 μm.
Product benefits
- Easy to source, install and clean
- Quality assurance
- Comprehensive range
Certifikati 3.1 za cevi in armature Alfa Laval
Certifikati 3.1 v skladu s standardom EN 10204 za dobavljene cevi in armature Alfa Laval.
Kako deluje
Transporting process fluids by pipe often requires alterations in the line of flow. Key criteria for problem-free operation include strength and durability.
To provide maximum structural integrity and trouble-free flow, Alfa Laval manufacturing processes feature unusually tight tolerances along with uniform wall thicknesses, with all the angles exact and all tube, bend and tee connections uniform. A wide range of finishes, including matt, raw, bright and polished, is available.
Unions, clamp fittings and flanges
All Alfa Laval flanges and clamp fittings are designed for easy, rapid maintenance. Flanges and clamps with finger nuts are especially suited for processes in which the load on seals is extra high, where the easy checking and replacement of seals is important and where effective cleaning is required.
To supply the type of seal most appropriate for each particular process, Alfa Laval provides a wide range of options. These include seals made of nitrile rubber (NBR), fluorine rubber (FBR) and ethylene propylene (EPDM).
Unions are available to provide compliance with standards that include SMS, ISO, BS, IDF, DS, DIN and ASME.
Reducers are used to connect tubes or pipes with different sizes or shapes. The stresses involved at these key points means reducers are often a prime location for leakages in a flow stream.
Alfa Laval reducers feature cylindrical welding ends and uniform wall thicknesses for all tube combinations, ensuring the right diameter and wall thickness for each specific flow stream.
Pri vrstah uporabe, ki vključujejo ravnanje s tekočinami, je treba različne tokove pogosto združevati s pomočjo spojnih cevi.
Alfa Laval proizvaja T-kose z enakomerno debelino stene, strogimi tolerancami in širokim izborom različnih površin, ki zagotavljajo največjo možno trdnost in dolgo življenjsko dobo ter nemoteno varjenje in montažo. Vsi T-kosi Alfa Laval so izdelani iz nerjavnega jekla AISI 304 ali AISI 316L in so na voljo v premerih od 1 do 4 palcev ter od DN10 do DN150.
Široka paleta površinskih obdelav
Cevi Alfa Laval so na voljo s širokim naborom površinskih obdelav. Pri mehanskem poliranju se uporablja vrsta progresivnih abrazivov – od grobih do finih zrn – za dosledno notranjo obdelavo, ki omogoča učinkovito in hkrati varčno čiščenje.
Linija higienskih cevi Alfa Laval pomaga zagotavljati najboljše možne ravni higiene v vsaki inštalaciji. Cevi so izdelane posebej za zagotavljanje največje higienske neoporečnosti v zelo čistih procesih. Vsaka serija je zasnovana in izdelana tako, da zagotavlja dimenzijsko natančnost in strukturno celovitost, kar olajša namestitev. Prav tako zagotavlja, da cevi Alfa Laval uporabnikom zagotavljajo vrhunsko korozijsko odpornost in neprimerljivo življenjsko dobo.
Part of a broad fitting range
Alfa Laval offers a comprehensive range of fittings intended for hygienic applications in the dairy, food, beverage,home care, personal care, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.
- Alfa Laval Hygienic ISO 2037 tubes
- Alfa Laval Hygienic DIN 11850 tubes
- Alfa Laval Tri-Clover Hygienic ASME tubes
- Alfa Laval Hygienic BS 4825, Part 1 tubes
For a broader valve range, explorer the different product categories: Hygienic fittings, UltraPure fittings, Hygienic tubes and UltraPure tubes.
Katalog izdelkov higienske opreme
Katalog izdelkov higienske opreme Alfa Laval »Na dosegu roke« vključuje letake izdelkov, krivulje učinkovitosti, povezave do animacij, brošure in cenike za naročanje.

Obiščite stran z animacijami in poglejte naše proizvode od znotraj. Preverite kako delujejo.
Cevi in priključki
Deset glavnih razlogov za uporabo originalnih nadomestnih delov
NEAR novice
Da bi bili na tekočem o pomembnih zadevah in priložnostih v vaši industriji in procesih.