Industrial heat pumps
Alfa Laval innovates compact plate heat exchanger technology for heat pump systems. These are installed to recover heat from industrial processes but also recover low-grade heat from data centers and natural heat sources like sea, river, sewage, or groundwater. We work closely with leading local installers and system builders from across the globe, supplying both standard and customized heat exchanger solutions. We focus largely, but not exclusively, on applications that employ natural refrigerants.
We have experience working with both electrically driven as well as thermally driven heat pumps type so do not hesitate to contact Alfa Laval for advice regarding appropriate heat exchanger selection

Alfa Laval walks the talk - An ammonia heat pump absorbs the waste heat from the cooling system of the plate pressing operation in the Alfa Laval factory. Benefitting plate heat exchangers, it contains an ammonia charge of only 40 kg for a capacity of 827 kW with a COP of 7. >> Read more about the case.
A heat pump equipped with efficient Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers enables waste heat recovery from municipal wastewater and seawater, supplying a district heating network that serves 1100 homes in Nyhavn, Copenhagen with sustainable heat. The result is major energy savings and emissions reductions.
The keys to sustainable heating with electrically driven industrial heat pumps
- Think through what temperature you really need the heat pump to deliver. A level above 100 C reaches normally only 50% of the efficiency of a heat pump delivering below 90 C.
- Choosing a system with natural refrigerant such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, or hydrocarbons will assure the investment stays future proof. Ammonia normally allows for the highest energy efficiency.
- Assure the system is optimized with modern technology including plate heat exchangers allowing for low refrigerant charge and a close efficient temperature approach which shortens the system’s payback time.
- Choose a reliable supplier of plate heat exchangers. Alfa Laval latest developments are focusing further efficiency gains in heat pump applications.
Above is an ammonia heat pump under construction including semi-welded plate heat exchangers as flooded evaporator, desuperheater, condenser and sub cooler.
Ready to learn more about how to become more sustainable using industrial heat pumps with efficient plate heat exchangers? It normally pays off boosting energy efficiency and saving you money.
Tesnilni sistem RefTightTM
Visokozmogljivo tesnilo za delo pod visokim pritiskom. Tesnilni sistem RefTight™ omogoča izboljšano dolgotrajno delovanje pri opravilih, kjer sta potrebna visok tlak in temperatura. Zvar je nameščen zunaj utora obroča in tesnila, kar zagotavlja zanesljivo tesnjenje ter podaljšuje življenjsko dobo tesnila in servisne intervale.
Integrirano podhlajevanje
Večina hladilnih sistemov porabi velike količine električne energije; energetsko učinkovita zasnova pa ima velik potencial za prihranek stroškov. Integracija podhlajevanja v kondenzator ploščnega toplotnega izmenjevalnika omogoča izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti kompaktnih toplotnih izmenjevalnikov brez potrebe po dodatnih ceveh ali sestavnih delih.
Turn to efficiency
Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers can operate with the same small temperature difference as evaporators. To fully benefit this efficiency, we have developed the U-Turn separator. This efficient module is also very compact, and the connections are grouped to allow the module to be installed close to walls or on the perimeter of a main skid.
- Designed for natural ammonia refrigerant
- Minimum pressure drop losses, maximum energy efficiency
- Close temperature approach, space saving design
- Complete solution including our heat exchanger and separator technology
Advanced solutions for industrial heat pumps
Polvarjeni ploščni Prenosnik toplote Alfa Laval
Naši kompaktni polvarjeni prenosniki toplote omogočajo še večjo učinkovitost in zanesljivost v industrijskih aplikacijah za hlajenje ter uporabljajo amoniak kot hladilno sredstvo z nizkim potencialom globalnega segrevanja. Polvarjeni prenosniki toplote Alfa Laval so tudi prava izbira za kaskadne sisteme, ki kot sekundarni medij za aplikacije zamrzovanja uporabljajo CO2. Ti izmenjevalniki potrebujejo manjšo količino amoniaka in tudi preprečujejo tveganje navzkrižne kontaminacije s preizkušenim tesnilnim sistemom RefTight™.
Lotani prenosniki toplote
Naši bakreno lotani izmenjevalci so kompaktna in učinkovita rešitev za ogrevanje, hlajenje, izhlapevanje in kondenzacijo, ki jih lahko uporabljate za širok nabor aplikacij, ter ne potrebujejo nobenega vzdrževanja. Delujejo z večino vrst okolju prijaznih hladilnih sredstev z nizkim potencialom globalnega segrevanja, vključno s pomembnimi naravnimi hladilnimi sredstvi, kot na primer CO2 in ogljikovodiki. Vsaka enota je zasnovana z vrsto edinstvenih funkcij, ki zagotavljajo vrhunsko toplotno zmogljivost in zanesljivost.
Večina ploščnih izmenjevalcev za komercialno in industrijsko hladilništvo z majhnimi zmogljivostmi je lotana z bakrom. Čeprav so primerni za številne aplikacije, baker negativno reagira z amoniakom, ki je pomembno naravno hladilno sredstvo. AlfaNova, ki je izdelan z našo edinstveno metodo fuzijskega lepljenja, je edini 100-odstotni ploščni toplotni izmenjevalnik iz nerjavnega jekla. Ta predstavlja zelo kompaktno in učinkovito rešitev za hlajenje zelo čistih in občutljivih tekočin, ki učinkovito izkorišča potencial amoniaka z nizkim potencialom globalnega segrevanja.
Selected industrial heat pump cases
Odense, Denmark
The heat pumps at Ejby Mølle can supply a total of 20 MW of heat and also lead to a reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gases of 128,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalents over 20 years. >> Read more about the installation of heat pumps at wastewater treatment plants.
Fenland, UK
The heat pump installation consists of four ammonia* heat pumps installed in parallel, totally delivering the 33 MW of thermal heating. Alfa Laval supplied 14 semi-welded plate heat exchangers of T20BW-type as condensers and evaporators. >> read more about the sustainable greenhouse complex powered through a combination of industrial heat pumps and CHP.
Odense, Danmark
Alfa Laval is supplying the evaporators, condensers, subcoolers and oil coolers to the heat pumps. The impact of the facility’s heat recovery infrastructure will help recover 100,000 MWh of energy per year – enough to warm some 7,000 homes. >>read more about waste heat from the leading social media giant's data centre.
Broager Danmark
Alfa Laval semi-welded PHEs play as evaporators capturing 250 m deep groundwater at 9°C to deliver a district heating supply of hot water at 70°C heat. Capacity in this case is 18,000 MWh yearly with a COP of 4.0 since 2016.
Viborg Danmark
In Bjerringbo, Alfa Laval semi-welded PHEs play as ammonia evaporators to recover excess heat to supply the district heating and cooling network. Capacity in this case is 13,500 MWh yearly with a COP of 4.6 since 2016.
Haderslev, Denmark
At Fuglsang Brewery malt house, Alfa Laval semi-welded PHEs in the condenser unit recover excess heat to deliver heating of hot side media from 45° to 70° C. Capacity in this case is 7.1 MW with a COP of 4.0.
Zavezani k sodelovanju v industriji
Eurammon is an association of companies, institutions and individuals who share a common goal: to encourage a sustainable approach to refrigeration and heat pump engineering. Since its inception in 1996, Eurammon has advocated the use of natural refrigerants. Alfa Laval is a founding member of the association.
Alfa Laval is a member of The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) which is the voice of the European heat pump sector in Brussels. The vision of EHPA is that in a fully decarbonized Europe, heat pump technologies are the number one heating and cooling solution. They are a central part of a renewable, sustainable and smart energy system
IAR is an American technical member organization with industry representation from all facets of the natural refrigeration and heat pump community, including manufacturers, engineers, contractors, end-users, academics, scientists, trainers, and more. IIAR is a leading advocate for the safe, reliable and efficient use of ammonia and other natural refrigerants
Making efficiency last for decades
A poorly functioning heat exchanger may affect safety, product quality and energy costs. Failure may lead to costly downtime and major losses in production. By regular and proactive maintenance of your gasketed plate heat exchanger performance is preserved and operations kept trouble-free and predictable.
We have the expertise to help you whether you experience a problem today, wish to prevent future issues or want to solve the problem yourself with our online troubleshooter.
Svetovalec? Strokovnjak za integracijo sistema?
Ste projektant? Poglejte sem! Alfa Laval s strokovnim znanjem in desetletnimi izkušnjami na področju toplotne izmenjave ponuja strokovne vire za današnje izzive na področju ogrevanja in hlajenja. Odkrijte odgovore na zapletena vprašanja o vsem, od energetske učinkovitosti do naravnih hladilnih sredstev, ter koristna orodja, ki olajšajo iskanje prave tehnologije za vašo uporabo.

HVAC and the Sustainable cities
Consuming more than two-thirds of the world’s energy, our cities play a crucial role in tackling the climate crisis. A considerable part of cities’ energy consumption is for heating and cooling, which means improving energy efficiency is paramount. Alfa Laval has almost a century of experience in heat transfer and recovery and aims to become carbon neutral by 2030. Let us be your partner in the transformation to a sustainable tomorrow.