Revos draft dispense
The Alfa Laval Re-draft system is a draft dispensing unit that rehydrates beer concentrate seconds before serving. Doing so enables breweries to realize significant cost savings from storing and transporting concentrates from the manufacturing facility to the point of consumption.
Boost sustainability credentials and reduce costs with beer concentrate on tap
- Up to 80% cost savings in packaging material and keg transport to and from the point of consumption
- Refrigeration and storage cost savings due to compact footprint
- Better bar station space utilization with easy-to-use draft dispensing
- Sell up to five times more beer and improve workplace safety since staff spends less time and effort changing kegs
The Alfa Laval Re-draft is a compact, post-mix draft alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer dispensing system. It uses pure, carbonated water to rehydrate fully fermented beer concentrate, produced by the patented Alfa Laval Revos™ reverse osmosis technology, at the point of sale or regional packaging plants.
The resulting beer matches the exact flavour profile of the original product. Rehydrating closer to the point of consumption drastically reduces emissions and logistics costs through bulk transport.
The Re-draft system is part of the Alfa Laval portfolio for the brewery industry. It helps brewers and their customers meet sustainability targets by streamlining logistics and supply chains.
Ključni izdelki
Alfa Laval Re-draft system
Preserves the traditional draft experience:
- Great-tasting, easy-to-dispense beer
- Same pouring experience (appearance/rate/tap)
- Potential for cleaning media savings and reduced cleaning frequency, depending on the concentrate
- Better space utilization at the bar station
- Self-cooling or integrated into a glycol system

Consistent ABV, CO2 and foam level in every pour
Same great taste, less volume
The Re-draft system supplies the same volume as traditionally packaged beer from a reduced-volume concentrate. Handling smaller volumes of concentrate increases workplace safety and reduces injuries. It also does away with the need to store kegs in refrigerated cold rooms onsite at the bar or venue.
How it works
Alfa Laval Re-draft system reconstitutes beer concentrate at the point of sale. It purifies and blends cold carbonated water with the concentrate, delivering a cold draft product on tap.
Preizkusite sistem za koncentriranje Alfa Laval Revos in sistem Re-draft, da ugotovite, ali izpolnjujeta vaše zahteve. Pošljite do 10 hl svojega izdelka v inovacijski center Alfa Laval Revos na Danskem, kjer bodo na licu mesta opravili testiranje in analizo delovanja. Za demonstracijo in testiranje je na voljo sistem Re-draft za rehidracijo proizvedenega koncentrata.
Lahko tudi najamete sistem Re-draft in poskuse rekonstitucije koncentrata piva opravite v svojem obratu ali komercialnem okolju.
Storitve za prehrambne sisteme
Storitve Alfa Laval za prehrambne sisteme pomagajo okrepiti učinkovitost vaših prehrambnih sistemov z zvišanjem učinkovitosti vaših procesov. Tako (se) lahko:
- Nenehno izboljšujete delovanje za ohranjanje konkurenčne prednosti
- Osredotočite na čim daljše delovanje, optimizacijo in razpoložljivost
- Povečate donosnost naložbe v celotnem življenjskem ciklu prehrambnih sistemov
Zmanjševanje emisij ogljika – več informacij najdete v naši beli knjigi
Kako lahko pivovarne in obrati za proizvodnjo pijač zmanjšajo svoj ogljični odtis in hkrati povečajo učinkovitost poslovanja? Zmanjševanje neposrednih in posrednih emisij igra pomembno vlogo – od nabave surovin, električne energije in proizvodnje do embalaže, materialov ter distribucije. Ta bela knjiga se osredotoča na membransko filtracijo z reverzno osmozo (RO) za koncentriranje piva in pijač kot stroškovno učinkovit način, s katerim lahko proizvajalci zmanjšajo ogljični odtis svojih dobavnih verig.

Vprašanja in odgovori o sistemu za koncentriranje Revos
Tukaj najdete odgovore na najpogosteje zastavljena vprašanja o sistemu za koncentriranje piva Revos.