Membranski ventil Unique DV-ST UltraPure

Alfa Laval Unique DV-ST UltraPure diaphragm valves are the natural choice for pharma and biotech industries (as well as other hygiene-focused processes). The compact and lightweight valves comprise a series of base parts including valve bodies, diaphragms, actuators and handles. The choice gives you a multitude of configurations to meet the exact needs of your process. All diaphragms used meet FDA/USP classifications as well as TSE/ADI.

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High-quality valve bodies and wide range of proven diaphragms

  • Reliable, long life diaphragm – available in high performance EPDM for continuous steam operation at temperatures up to 150 °C
  • Reduced risk of contamination - fully documented, made for aseptic operation with standard low-ferrite valve body (option for high alloy solution)
  • Simple and reliable stainless steel actuator with 5-year warranty – one-type-fits-all design makes selection safe, fast and easy
  • Hygienic design – high-grade valve bodies and low Ra surface finishes
  • Easy installation/validation/qualification and backed by Alfa Laval Q-doc comprehensive documentation package and service partner network
The actuator operates at up to 10 and 6 bar depending on diaphragm material (EPDM and PTFE/EPDM: 10 bar; TFM/PTFE: 6 bar). Autoclavability and chemical resistance ensure long service life and uptime. Over-closure protection (manual version) also helps prolong diaphragm life. All steel parts are made of stainless steel or composite material depending on handle type. There is also a range of easily mounted indication and control units.

Unique DV-ST UltraPure valve technology

Premium as standard, the Unique DV-ST has valve bodies with low delta-ferrite content and defined sulphur content in all forged and block valves. Two-way valves, including the ferrules for clamp-end bodies, are forged from a single block. T- and tank-outlet valves are available and machined from a single block. The hygienic diaphragm valves are available in various configurations and materials. 

Built around a weir-type design, the aseptic diaphragm valves are available with hard or soft compounds from PTFE with EPDM as the backing to a pure EPDM diaphragm. The diaphragm valve can be operated manually or with pneumatic actuators that come with a range of sensing and control equipment, including control units, position indicators, stroke limiters and valve positioners. 

All diaphragms have cure dates and compound tracking available, meet FDA/USP classifications and are TSE/ADI-compliant.

Service and reliability

The diaphragm valves come with Alfa Laval Q-doc, a comprehensive documentation package that provides full transparency of the entire supply chain. This helps smooth purchasing and installation procedures and facilitates qualification, validation and change control procedures. Based on GDP, Q-doc covers every aspect of biotech and pharmaceutical equipment supply and provides customers with transparent and well-documented quality assurance of the sourced equipment.

Unique design adds value


We have used Unique DV-ST UltraPure valves for a long time, so we know that they are highly reliable and that the membranes are long-lasting.

Horst Neuland, Chief Plant Engineer at Bayer HealthCare in Wuppertal, Germany

Brochure: Alfa Laval Unique DV-ST UltraPure Diaphragm Valves

With its modular design and enhanced compatibility, Alfa Laval Unique DV-ST UltraPure diaphragm valve is constructed from a series of base parts that enables you to easily adapt the valve to a wide range of applications.

Diaphragm valve brochure

Kako deluje


How does the Unique DV-ST Ultrapure work

The standard Unique DV-ST UltraPure consists of a valve body, diaphragm, handle or actuator. In the manual version, a simple turn of the handle pushes the compressor down on the diaphragm, pressing it against the weir of the valve body and closing the valve. You can also use a pneumatic actuator to control the valve. The diaphragm actuator controls the piston’s axial movement, opening or closing the valve, depending on the actuator’s function. The standard all-stainless-steel actuators are available in two versions: the Unique DV-ST UltraPure Slim (SL) for standard duties and the Unique DV-ST UltraPure High Pressure (HP) for more demanding pressures. Both are available as normally closed (NC), normally open (NO), or air/air activated (A/A) valves, as well as in ATEX versions for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.



Deset najboljših nasvetov – ventili

Tukaj lahko najdete nekaj nasvetov in servisnih posnetkov, ki vam prikazujejo, kako ohraniti vrhunsko kondicijo vaših higienskih ventilov

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Katalog izdelkov higienske opreme Alfa Laval »Na dosegu roke« vključuje letake izdelkov, krivulje učinkovitosti, povezave do animacij, brošure in cenike za naročanje.

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