Predelava sira

Successful production demands preservation of milk quality during sensitive processes, and elimination of fines, in order to ensure high quality and yield. Alfa Laval’s components ensure gentle and effective heat treatment and pumping, essential for achieving optimum quality and yield. Our membranes offer the opportunity to make a variety of fresh and soft cheeses.


On the pulse of cheese processing

Soft cheese, specialty cheese, and hard cheese with bold new flavours are among the fastest growing categories in the industry. Cheese producers must therefore make sure that their plants are sufficiently flexible to adapt to changing consumer preferences yet make the best and most cost-efficient use of raw materials. To satisfy consumer demand, producers must also produce large volumes of high-quality product while meeting strict regulatory requirements. 

To meet these needs, Alfa Laval offers a broad range of hygienic equipment to process raw milk in preparation for cheese making. Our equipment also offers full traceability as well as the speed and efficiency required to increase yields while maintaining product integrity. What’s more, Alfa Laval’s hygienic equipment provides cheese producers with total peace of mind.

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Brošura: V osrčju predelave mleka

Tehnični članki

NEAR novice

Da bi bili na tekočem o pomembnih zadevah in priložnostih v vaši industriji in procesih.

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Brošure higienske opreme

Alfa Laval brochures with hygienic equipmentPoiščite informacije, ki so vam potrebne o uporabi higineske opreme.

Heat exchangers 



Tank equipment 

Tubes and fittings 

Valves and automation 


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