Banka znanja

Devet desetletij uspešnega razvoja prenosa toplote družbe Alfa Laval je prineslo edinstveno znanje za reševanje izzivov in izboljšanje učinkovitosti opreme. Ne glede na problem, vprašanje ali radovednost, ki vas zanima o svetu ploščnih izmenjevalnikov toplote, so vam naši izkušeni strokovnjaki na voljo za pomoč.
našli odgovor.

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Alfa Laval Heating and Cooling Hub Knowledge

Izobraževanja o ploščnih toplotnih izmenjevalcih

Na naših spletnih izobraževanjih boste izvedeli več o različnih vrstah toplotnih izmenjevalnikov. Začnete lahko, kadar koli želite, in snov obravnavate tako hitro, kot vam ustreza. Pomembno je imeti znanje, zato vsa izobraževanja na tej povezavi ponujamo brezplačno.

Online heat exchanger training

Bela knjiga: Vodnik po spreminjajočem se trgu hladiv

Priročnik za izbiro in skladiščenje alternativnih hladiv za različne aplikacije ogrevanja in hlajenja

White paper: Navigating a changing refrigerants market

Industry-leading guidance from our experts

Unparalleled strength for demanding duties

Pressure Secure is about high mechanical strength, low pressure drop and very high pressure load. Learn more about PressureSecure from Mehrdad Mohammadian, senior design engineer at Alfa Laval.

IceSafe ensures reliable performance

How can you ensure both reliable performance and a long lasting heat exchanger? Listen to Fredrik Strömer, thermal specialist at Alfa Laval.

Hladiva prihodnosti

Imate morda vprašanja v zvezi s spremembami na današnjem trgu hladiv? Oglejte si ta kratki videoposnetek o tem, katero vrsto hladiva je treba izbrati.

Energijska učinkovitost

Odkrijte napredne možnosti za trajnostno in stroškovno učinkovito energijsko učinkovitost v aplikacijah ogrevanja in hlajenja.

AlfaNova: resnično nerjavno jeklo

Spoznajte dejstva o AlfaNova – toplotnem izmenjevalniku iz 100-odstotnega nerjavnega jekla, izdelanem z našim patentiranim talilnim procesom povezave.

Preproste rešitve

Spoznajte ukrepe Alfa Laval, da je lahko izbira toplotnih izmenjevalnikov preprostejša.

Poravnava plošč v petih točkah zagotavlja zanesljivejše delovanje

Da bi čim bolj zmanjšali morebitne izpade delovanja, smo v podjetju Alfa Laval razvili možnosti za izboljšanje zanesljivosti toplotnih izmenjevalnikov. Naš strokovnjak Torgny pojasnjuje sistem poravnave plošč toplotnega izmenjevalnika v petih točkah.

Pričakujte boljše možnosti za vzdrževanje

Funkcije, kot je ClipGrip™, ki poenostavljajo vzdrževanje, zagotavljajo najdaljšo življenjsko dobo vaše opreme in najnižje stroške lastništva. Oglejte si videoposnetek s strokovnjakom Johanom, da izveste več.


Zagotovite večjo učinkovitost s CurveFlow™

V tem videoposnetku strokovnjak Martin iz podjetja Alfa Laval pojasnjuje, kako napredne funkcije, kot je razdelilno področje CurveFlow™, omogočajo boljši toplotni izkoristek.

U-turn – a module for ammonia applications

The module -- including a separator and plate heat exchanger ensures minimum pressure drop losses and maximum energy efficiency. Watch this 3 min video to learn more.

RefTight™ sealing system - an expert view

The unique Alfa Laval RefTight™ sealing system enables enhanced, long-term performance in applications with high pressures and temperatures on semi-welded plate heat exchangers.

High performance, low energy consumption with Alfa Laval TK20

The Alfa Laval TK20 semi-welded gasketed plate heat exchanger is optimized to deliver in performance and reliability for heating and cooling of aggressive media.

Refrigeration experts from Bort de Graaf have turned to Alfa Laval’s semi-welded technology

Learn why refrigeration experts Bort de Graaf have chosen Alfa Laval semi-welded technology for their CO2 cascade systems.

Efficient and reliable technology: that is what we do

Only Alfa Laval offers a full range of heat exchange technology for data centers with performance certification from the independent Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). This gives you confident assurance of efficient performance, but ultimately, the equipment is just the beginning. Find out how we can work with you from day one to make sure your cooling system will deliver reliable, long-term sustainability.

Unique expertise to ensure dependable sustainability over time

Fouling can greatly reduce both the expected lifetime of your heat exchanger as well as its thermal performance. With Alfa Laval as your partner, you have access to the world-leading experts on chemistry and materials technology. They can work with you to identify the potential causes of fouling risks and develop custom strategies to help you prevent it.




Tehnični opisi

AC16 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 474 kB
AC18 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 528 kB
AC40 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 590 kB
AC70 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 525 kB
AC72 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 527 kB
AC112 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 587 kB
AC220EQ Product leaflet 2018-01-18 598 kB
AC230 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 283 kB
AC232 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 299 kB
AC240DQ Product leaflet 2018-01-18 642 kB
AC500DQ Product leaflet 2018-01-18 625 kB
AC502 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 626 kB
AC1000DQ Product leaflet 2018-01-18 639 kB
ACH73 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 523 kB
ACP500EQ Product leaflet 2018-01-18 633 kB
AlfaQ AHRI Product leaflet 2018-08-30 2047 kB
AXP10 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 634 kB
AXP14 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 635 kB
AXP27an Product leaflet 2018-01-18 559 kB
AXP52 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 543 kB
AXP112 Product leaflet 2023-06-14 646 kB
CB10 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 502 kB
CB16 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 586 kB
CB18 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 580 kB
CB30 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 583 kB
CB410 Product leaflet 2018-10-03 761 kB
CB60 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 512 kB
CB62 Product leaflet 2018-01-18 504 kB
GL50 - GLN50 Product leaflet 2019-05-06 413 kB
GL80 Product leaflet 2019-05-06 783 kB
GL100 Product leaflet 2019-05-06 433 kB
GL150 Product leaflet 2019-05-06 456 kB
GLH50 and GLNH50 Product leaflet 2019-05-06 413 kB
GLH80 Product leaflet 2019-05-06 783 kB
GLH100 Product leaflet 2019-05-06 433 kB
GLH150 Product leaflet 2019-05-06 457 kB
GLX30 - GLXN30 Product leaflet 2024-02-23 275 kB

Our customers’ stories

With a history built on more than 90 years of thermal innovation, today Alfa Laval works with clients all over the world, in virtually any industry imaginable. But don’t take our word for it! Click here to read some of our customers’ stories and learn about the ways our advanced plate heat exchanger technologies help them secure more efficient, dependable and sustainable thermal performance.

Alfa Laval Sustainable solutions reaching new heights case

Heating and Cooling FAQ

See expert answers to the most common questions about heating and cooling technology.

Heating and cooling hub FAQ

Consultant tools

Based on unique knowledge from decades of experience supplying thermal solutions, Alfa Laval has been able to create a number of resources that you can utilize to facilitate your day-to-day work. Click here to discover BIM files, 3D drawings and other resources to facilitate your day-to-day work.

hc hub-Consultant-tools-3D

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