Decanter centrifuges have become more and more important within the fat, oil and protein recovering industry. Alfa Laval meat and fish decanter centrifuges benefit from many years of tradition and experience – we have kept on improving our horizontal centrifuges and decanter product range, enabling our customers to enhance their recovery of valuable protein fractions, fats and oils in the most efficient manner possible.
Increase yield and reduce energy and operation costs:
- Excellent clarification
- High recovery rate
- High cake dryness
- Highly customizable for your specific application requirement
- Compact and robust design with wear protection
For technical grade recovery
- Technical grade category I & II
- Products up to 130°C
- Wear protection in easy to replace Tungsten Carbide
- Flexible configuration to meet customer requirements
- Seals and gaskets in contact with product are per default of Viton/FKM.
- Designed and optimized for dry rendering process
For feed grade applications
- Feed grade category III
- Products up to 100°C
- Wear protection in easy to replace Tungsten Carbide
- Flexible configuration to meet customer requirements, CIP is selectable
- Seals and gaskets in contact with product are per default of Viton/FKM with FDA certification.
For food grade applications
- Food grade
- Pasteurized feed > 75°C
- Wear protection in easy to replace Tungsten Carbide
- Flexible configuration
- CIP is included
- Seals and gaskets in contact with product are per default of Viton/FKM with FDA certification.
A typical application is a food grade fat melting line in wet rendering style or a protein isolate/concentrate production.
For food grade applications
- Food grade
- Products up to 100°C, typically non-pasteurized <75°C
- Best possible sanitary design
- CIP is included
- Seals and gaskets in contact with product are per default of Viton/FKM with FDA certification.
Typical temperature sensitive food protein applications are mechanically fat reduced meat or surimi processing.
Področja uporabe
Our protein decanter centrifuges are used in:
- Conventional (dry) rendering processes (downstream or instead of a screw press)
- Fish meal plants (fish press water or whole fish decanter)
- Feed- or food-grade wet rendering/fat melting plants
- DAF skimming processes
- Fat reduced meat production
- Tanneries
- Pet food processing plants
- Vegetable protein production facilities
- Blood processing facilities
- Surimi or krill processing lines
- Gelatine production facilities
Our protein decanter centrifuges can recover/produce:
- Fat/oil and protein meals
- Hydrolysed protein extract/concentrate/digest
- Soup or broth
- Blood meal, plasma or haemoglobin
- Gel bones or bone meal
- Wet greaves
- Virgin oils