
Alfa Laval BaseLine is a competitive range of gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers for simpler dairy, food, beverage, pharma and other hygienic and utility applications. See Alfa Laval Frontline for more demanding hygienic applications.

Alfa Laval BaseLine Plate Heat Exchanger

Construction enables combination of plates and material – vast choice of gasket material

  • Service-friendly – FDA compliant gaskets for easy opening, inspection and cleaning
  • Fouling resistance and thermal efficiency thanks to range of pressing depths and chevron patterns as well as various corrugations
  • Flexible – heat transfer area can be modified by adding or removing plates or combining different plates and material if process parameters change
  • Suitable for multi-section heat exchangers for pasteurization
Optimization of duties: BaseLine heat exchangers are available in four different sizes (Base 3, 6, 10 and 11) and work with various plate types to ensure optimal performance for your application.
Clip plate

Plate types for different hygienic needs

Two different plate types are available for BaseLine & M Line gasketed plate heat exchangers:

  • Chevron type plate pattern ensures good distribution of the product as well as high thermal efficiency and is used in food, dairy, beverage and pharma industries. 
  • Gemini double-wall plates ensure a fully mix-proof design. It consists of two plates pressed together and prevents cross contamination between fluids in case of leakage through the plates.

The chocolate pattern distribution area ensures that the fluids are evenly distributed across the entire plate to avoid stagnant zones that can result in fouling. 

Kako deluje


Channels are formed between the plates and the corner ports are arranged so that the two media flow through alternate channels. The heat is transferred through the plate between the channels, where the counter-current flow helps attain the highest possible efficiency. The corrugation of the plates provides the passage between the plates, supports each plate against the adjacent one and enhances the turbulence, resulting in efficient heat transfer. Our thermal design engineers will help you design and select the model and configuration that is suitable for your application needs while delivering maximum thermal performance and minimizing pressure drop.

Ploščni toplotni izmenjevalnik s tesnili Alfa Laval Hygienic tekočina/tekočina

Ploščni toplotni izmenjevalnik s tesnili Alfa Laval za pasterizacijo z več odseki

Higienski ploščni toplotni izmenjevalnik s tesnili in več odseki



Adjustable feet

Bearing box

Connection plate roller

Elongated nuts

Fixed bolt head

Key hole bolt opening

Lock washer

Pressure plate roller

Tightening bolt cover

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Ten top tips - Hygienic Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers

Here are some tips and service videos to show you how you can keep your hygienic gasketed plate heat exchangers in tip top condition.

Zahtevajte nove standarde

Predstavljamo najsodobnejše zatesnjene ploščne izmenjevalnike toplote na svetu. Odkrijte, kako vam bo naša nova generacija zatesnjenih ploščnih toplotnih izmenjevalnikov prinesla večjo učinkovitost, boljšo zanesljivost in preprostejše servisiranje.

Demand new standards Webbanner EN

Logika za živila - Food logic

Higienska oprema Alfa Laval združuje visoko zmogljivost in nežno uporabo, da varuje občutljive sestavine. Sledi trendom živilske industrije in rešuje štiri ključne izzive: dobava živilskih izdelkov potrošnikom po konkurenčni ceni, doseganje kar najboljšega izkoristka surovin, zmanjšanje odpadkov in emisij ter dobava varnih in higienskih živilskih izdelkov.

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