Predelava kontinentalnega sadja
V panogi predelovanja sadja – tako tistega s koščicami kot tudi tistega brez njih – v sokove (bistre ali motne) ali pireje – sokove enotne koncentracije ali koncentrirane – je za zagotovitev najboljše cene na trgu potrebna proizvodna oprema, ki zagotavlja enakomerno visoko kakovost. Tu smo, da vam pomagamo to uresničiti in zagotoviti najboljši možen izkoristek soka iz katerega koli pridelka. Tehnologija družbe Alfa Laval za predelavo sokov vam bo pomagala pri zagotavljanju najboljše donosnosti n
Edinstveni parametri za zrele trge
Predelava kontinentalnega sadja v sokove/pireje je zrela industrija, v kateri je produkt – tako bistri kot motni sok – globalno blago velikih količin z nizko stopnjo dobička.
Konsistentnost šteje
Da lahko na teh trgih in ob globalni konkurenci zahtevate najboljše cene, morate biti sposobni kontinentalno sadje predelati v končne izdelke s konsistentno visoko kakovostjo, visokim donosom, strogim zagotavljanjem higiene ter nižjimi stroški predelave.
S sistemi, znanjem ter izkušnjami družbe Alfa Laval boste lahko dosegli konsistentne visokokakovostne rezultate predelave, in to kljub naravnim nihanjem kakovosti surovin.
Celoviti odgovori
Alfa Laval ponuja celovite, integrirane sisteme za predelavo jabolk in hrušk v sok. Neprimerljiv izbor tehnologij Alfa Laval vključuje dekanter centrifuge, toplotne izmenjevalnike ter opremo za membransko filtriranje, pa tudi specialistične sisteme ter procesne module za ekstrakcijo, čiščenje, pasterizacijo, stabilizacijo in zajem arome.
Ultrafiltracijski membranski sistemi vam omogočajo, da tradicionalno opremo zamenjate za koncentriranje ter dosežete bistveno boljše rezultate z manjšo porabo energije.
Sistemi za čiščenje dna tankov preprečujejo prenašanje kakršnih koli bakterijskih onesnaženj, poleg tega pa povečajo zmogljivost.
Korak dlje
Ti sistemi omogočajo stroškovno učinkovito usmerjenje na visoko raven higiene, zanesljivo predelavo in izredno majhno porabo energije. Popolnoma zaprte predelovalne naprave Alfa Laval omogočajo preprečevanje oksidacije in ohranjanje vrhunske ravni higiene.
Vidne prednosti so več pridelanega soka ter bolj suhi odpadki, s čimer se zagotovi manjši vpliv na okolje ter priložnost za dodaten prihodek od soka iz druge stopnje.
Apples and pears
Unique parameters for mature markets
Processing apples and pears into juice is a mature industry in which the product – both clear and cloudy juice – is a high-volume, low-margin worldwide commodity.
Consistency counts
To get the best prices in such markets, and in the face of global competition, you have to be able to produce apple and pear juices of a consistently high quality, with stringent hygiene management.
Alfa Laval systems and know-how help you achieve consistently high-quality processing results despite natural variations in the apples and pears, as well as the effects of climate, weather and transport.
Complete answers
Alfa Laval provides complete, integrated systems for processing apple and pear crops into juice. The unparalleled palette of Alfa Laval technologies includes decanter centrifuges, heat exchangers and membrane filtration equipment, as well as specialist systems and processing modules for extraction, clarification, pasteurization, stabilization and aroma recovery.
Ultrafiltration membrane systems allow you to replace traditional concentration equipment and achieve significantly better results using less energy. Tank bottom cleaning systems enable you to prevent any carry-over of bacterial contamination as well as increasing throughput.
Going further
These systems provide a cost-effective focus on high hygiene, processing reliability and exceptionally low energy consumption. Completely enclosed Alfa Laval processing set-ups enable you to prevent oxidation and maintain tip-top hygiene.
Notable benefits include greater juice recovery and drier waste that reduces environmental impacts as well as paving the way to additional revenue from second-grade juice.
Harvesting maximum value
Lots of different kinds of berries – both wild and cultivated – are used to make juice. However, the processing of the many different varieties is basically similar.
So, too, is the processing of apples. This paves the way for juice production set-ups to be very versatile – with the right equipment, they can process both berries and apples or pears.
Alfa Laval can supply the entire range of equipment you need for high-efficiency processing of berry crops. We provide systems designed to make sure you consistently get full value from every type of berry you wish to process – fresh or frozen.
Gently does it
Berry processing is normally a continuous operation that must take place quickly and reliably, and with a minimum of thermal stress on the product. This is essential for maintaining colour, taste and general appearance, as well as for preserving important nutritional benefits from vitamins and anti-oxidants.
Because many berry-based juices are sold at commodity prices, high yields and low energy costs are important for the producers. Processors can also gain additional competitive advantage from the speed and temperature control of the processing set-up.
Specialist berry processing systems from Alfa Laval make it relatively straightforward for you to achieve this.
Hygiene is essential
Processing berries into juices for cost and quality-conscious consumers requires an effective end-to-end focus on hygiene.
Alfa Laval berry processing systems and equipment comply with the most stringent quality and hygiene standards you can encounter in world markets, including all relevant EU legislation and US FDA requirements.
Growing commercial interest
The pomegranate has yet to achieve commercial prominence as a consumer fruit in markets in the western hemisphere.
Nevertheless, the fruit is increasingly in demand for processing into juice, as well as for culinary uses. This is mainly because of the substantial reported health benefits – pomegranate juice is an excellent source of anti-oxidants.
In fact, world demand for pomegranate juice outstrips supply. This results in this type of juice being increasingly popular as an ingredient in other juices, on account of its beneficial properties.
Perceptions and colour
Pomegranates for juice production are processed in much the same way as berries, except for the initial extraction in which the peel is removed and the red arils (seed casings) are separated from the internal white pulp.
To help ensure commercial success, it is important that consumers can see the link between pomegranate juice and the fresh fruit, as demonstrated by the colour. The highly effective heat management and anti-oxidation systems available from Alfa Laval enable you to prevent the juice from going brown.
Gentle processing
This, along with the speed, consistency and gentleness of the processing, enable you to get full commercial value out of your pomegranate inputs.
Peach and apricot
Worldwide favourite
The peach and apricot are both stone fruits, closely related members of the prunus genus. Both are used to produce purée that is then used as an ingredient in many other foods and beverages.
Colour management
One of the keys to ensuring a high commercial value for peach and apricot purées is to preserve the fresh appearance by managing the reddish pigments and – in the case of peaches – maintaining the whitish colour.
Alfa Laval provides key items of equipment designed to make this possible, including Foodec decanter centrifuges that help eliminate any oxidation, which affects both colour and quality.
Greater efficiency
Systems like ViscoLine tubular heat exchangers and Contherm scraped-surface heat exchangers are also ideal for boosting efficiency and reducing operating costs by replacing traditional heat exchanger configurations.
Alfa Laval systems for producing peach and apricot purées are renowned for being efficient, reliable and easy to operate.