Predelava mleka in smetane

The evolving market for milk and cream processing demands product innovation, combined with high quality and competitive pricing. Alfa Laval’s complete line of hygienic components – pumps, valves, heat exchangers, installation material and tank equipment – gives greater flexibility to serve the market. Boosting efficiency in key processes. Minimizing energy costs. Saving precious resources. It all adds up to better margins.


On the pulse of milk and cream processing

Demand is on the rise for milk and cream products worldwide. To cope, dairy product manufacturers are increasing absolute production volumes and batch sizes to keep pace with consumer demand. This calls for longer processing times and increased product safety. To achieve this, in-depth knowledge of the function of each component in every step of the process is required. 

Alfa Laval addresses all of these challenges through expertise acquired from decades of experience in the dairy industry, a broad portfolio of hygienic equipment specifically designed to meet strict dairy processing standards, and accurate selection programmes to ensure the optimum solution. Reliable, easy to clean and made of fully traceable materials and components, our hygienic dairy equipment is designed for gentle, low shear product handling to achieve the highest possible plant productivity with minimal product loss. 

What’s more, Alfa Laval’s hygienic equipment provides milk and cream manufacturers with total peace of mind.

Why choose Alfa Laval?

  • Proven reliability 
  • Our hygienic equipment maximizes uptime and increases energy efficiency 

Katalog proizvodov

Aktualna online verzija kataloga za sanitarne aplikacije

Poišči Alfa Laval proizvod

Spletni katalog rezvervnih delov

Aktualni spletni katalog rezervnih delov

 Poišči Alfa Laval katalog rezervnih delov

Brošura: V osrčju predelave mleka

Tehnični članki

NEAR novice

Da bi bili na tekočem o pomembnih zadevah in priložnostih v vaši industriji in procesih.

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Brošure higienske opreme

Alfa Laval brochures with hygienic equipmentPoiščite informacije, ki so vam potrebne o uporabi higineske opreme.

Heat exchangers 



Tank equipment 

Tubes and fittings 

Valves and automation 


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